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New Day, New Course, Same Anxieties

September 4, 2015 • mvstoller

So after a two week break, we are back at it! New course, new classmates, new teams. And all those beginning thoughts and anxieties creep back in.  All the readings and all the assignments with their looming due dates increase my heart rate and the unfamiliar material brings back imposter feelings and the now familiar ‘what was I thinking?’ feelings. But then the waters begin to calm a little and confidence starts to whisper in my ear telling me that this is totally doable, and that I just need to get started. So here we go.

This course focuses on the fundamentals of program planning within the context of technology-mediated learning (TML) initiatives.

The first reading I did was in Managing technology in higher education (Bates & Sangra, 2011). I was struck by the opening couple pages which talked about how universities are failing in technology. The authors suggested that universities don’t really get it as far as technology is concerned and that radical change in needed in the design and delivery of teaching  if they are going to survive in the 21st century (p. 4). This reminded me of a conversation we had at a recent staff meeting. As a faculty we were talking about how we teach K-12 students and how we still need to move forward with technology mediated learning and innovative teaching methods such as more blended learning and project based learning. One faculty member, whose son is currently in university countered that universities are not changing as rapidly as K-12 schools seem to be and he wondered if these students will end up being unprepared for the current university environment of large face to face lectures and individual assignments if we are teaching students more collaboratively and using technology in innovative ways. It seems like a very good question and one for further thought and contemplation. Bates and Sangra (2011) list a number of skills and competencies that knowledge-based companies have identified including communication skills, social skills, teamwork, thinking skills and knowledge identification and state that knowledge-based companies depend on innovation. They also list typical characteristics of millennials which includes being digitally literate, connected and experiential. If we are not teaching and incorporating these skills  and characteristics into higher education, how are these students going to be prepared for the workplace? Based on the case studies that Bates and Sangra (2011) discuss it is evident that some universities are working hard to change and innovate with varied success while others are slow to recognize the importance of technology and how to best integrate it into their institutions. This also makes me realize how lucky I am to be a student in an institution that is so progressive in its use of technology.

It was not surprising to me that the authors concluded that leadership and strategic planning are important to the effective implementation of technology integration. I am moving into a leadership role this year as a curriculum, innovation and technology specialist. I am cognizant of the need to facilitate and and guide teachers as opposed to telling and managing. The same way that as a constructivist teacher I try to act as a guide and facilitator, so too should this be true when working with colleagues.

Our next reading, in Planning programs for adult learners: A practical guide, offered the interactive model of program planning (Caffarella & Daffron, 2013). It was interesting to think of my own experiences when looking at the five primary purposes for education and training programs. I noticed that much of my experience was towards “encouraging continuous growth and development of individuals [and] assisting organizations in achieving desired results and adapting to change (p. 5)”. I have planned and delivered workshops in the areas of documentation and implementing technology in elementary school classrooms within my own organization and at international conferences all with the goal of teachers gaining confidence and capacity to implement these initiatives into their teaching. My current role as curriculum, innovation and technology specialist allows me to assist teachers in implementing our schools current priorities which include using the Reggio Emilia philosophy to deepen teachers understanding of the documentation process, expanding the character education program and introducing students to global education issues, perspectives and initiatives (Jr. School Faculty binder, 2015, p. 67-70). I also thought of my current graduate program, whose purpose would be to prepare me for my current and future work opportunities. I agree with Caffarella & Daffron (2013), from experience and reflection that the expectation in all of these is some sort of change. Whether that is change in the individual, the faculty, or the organization.

When looking at the interactive model of program planning (Caffarella & Daffron, 2013), I saw familiar vocabulary and could relate to much of the components. I have taught at an International Baccalaureate (IB) world school, and although the planning is for younger students, many of the components are the same. I could relate more readily to the inside components of content, evaluation, instruction, goals and objectives, needs assessment and support. The outside components of details, marketing and budgets are less familiar to me in a program planning sense. Very different from my current experiences was that this model has no clear beginning or ending. I am used to planning programs with a definite beginning and ending and the planners that I have used are more linear because of this. I began to think about how I might use this model in my own practice and how using the model might change my thinking about program planning. I liked the flexibility of this model  and could envision using it in future planning. This model seems to use a constructivist approach which I can relate to and appreciate. There are lots of thoughts and ideas swirling around as I dive into this new course. Again, I am enthused and inspired.


Reflecting on Blogging

August 14, 2015 • mvstoller

I have been doing some reading and pondering around the subject of  blogging and it has been interesting to read another’s view on the subject.


Estes (2012) says that when she writes for her blog, she writes in a different context, a different style, with a different audience. She further states that “as a blogger, I’m not quite the same person as I am as a scholarly writer or as a teacher, and carving these distinctions is an on-going process (Estes, 2012)” I can identify with that, and the freedom that goes with being able to write in a way that feels comfortable and in a way that helps your personality to come through. Academic writing does not come easily to me, and takes a lot of work can care to adhere to the guidelines and parameters. For myself, blog writing is like academic writing but without all the strict rules. I am someone who constructs meaning using analogies and I do that a lot in my blog writing. It helps me make sense of the world, using my prior experiences and knowledge. I hope that it helps others make sense of me and what I am trying to say. I would hope that it helps others to identify with me and maybe connect to their own past experiences.

I found it interesting that Estes (2012) acknowledges that while she primarily writes for two diverse subjects, she also writes differently in terms of her purpose. For one subject she tends to write introspectively while for the other one she encouraging readers to think about their habits and, ideally, to make change. I have used my blog primarily for myself and getting my thoughts and ideas down and almost as a way to ‘think out-loud’. By putting my thoughts out into the blogging universe I am forced to write coherently and try to make my writing interesting and relatable. But at this point, the blog is for myself and if others benefit  from it, that is an added bonus. I don’t use my blog to try and encourage others to something or to try and change others point of view. In reflecting on this, I think that it is because I  don’t yet feel that I have the experience or education to be asking others to think or change in some way. I guess it is also the nature of this particular blog which is to reflect and respond to learning in an academic environment. If I set up a blog about teaching in elementary school, I would likely dole out advice and make recommendations because I have a lot of experience that others would find useful and would feel confident giving out advice and suggestions.

I am really enjoying this academic blogging experience. Like Estes, “blogging allows me a space to think about things I do in my academic work, but in an atmosphere that is more personal and more casual”. Very soon, the pressure to write in this forum will be gone since it will no longer be a course requirement. But I do hope that I have the fortitude to continue because I am enjoying where this reflecting is taking me and wonder where else it could go.


Estes, H. (2012). Blogging and academic identityLiterature Compass9(12), 974-982. DOI: 10.1111/lic3.12017

Image By RICHARD OUTRAM from Wales (Serene Snowdon  Uploaded by PDTillman) [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons


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Connecting the Dots

July 22, 2015 • mvstoller

I wanted to explore the idea of using a Buddhist philosophy in education and how this might impact my personal mindset, my teaching practice and my students learning. As I reflected on some of the principals in Mindful inquiry in social research (Bent & Shapiro, 1998) and on the learning theories we are studying in LRNT 501, I made some interesting connections and felt like I was starting to ‘connect the dots’.

“Through the practice of compassion and right conduct, pay attention to the suffering of sentient beings in the world, and ask yourself what kind of inquiry and action would diminish that suffering” (Bent & Shapiro, 1998, p. 52).

When I re-read this, it made me think of a project the grade 4 students did this year. It is an example of how inquiry learning, when allowed independence and openness, can lead to the diminishing of suffering. We were looking at the elements of a newspaper and, specifically, writing a newspaper article. It was early December so we decided to write winter or holiday related stories. The project took on a life of its own as the students got more and more engaged and worked hard to make their newspapers look as authentic as possible. They ended up with articles, classified ads, word searchers, weather reports and comics, to name a few. The students wanted their newspapers to reach a farther audience and to be seen by more people. They thought back to our initial discussion about newspapers and asked if they could sell their newspapers. Then, they thought about those who were not able to have a wonderful holiday season, as they were going to have, and proposed that they donate the money that they made from their newspapers to the Christmas Cheer Board, an organization that helps give holiday hampers to those in need. The students got very excited about this and put a lot of effort into selling their newspapers and making their papers as polished as they could be,

I though of this project in particular because it begins to connect the two courses that we are taking now: learning theory and introduction to research. If I were not trying to teach within a constructivist learning environment, would my students have been as likely to have thought with their hearts as well as with their heads?

“With regard to inquiry, this can be taken to imply that love and compassion are the underlying attitude that we should take toward all beings: that our knowledge should be generated from within such an attitude” Bent & Shapiro, 1998, p. 167).

I understand that the knowledge the students gained about informational writing was not generated from an attitude of love and compassion but I would argue that teaching within a constructivist model allowed students higher level thinking and they thought about the process they were going through, without just thinking about the end result. And because the end result was open ended, students were given the flexibility to construct their own knowledge of what the purpose of the newspaper would be and what type of article they would write. In the end, in a small way, they did elevate the suffering of others and used their love and compassion for others to drive their learning.

Gr. 4 newspapers (3)

Bent,V.M., & Shapiro, J. J. (1998). Mindful Inquiry in Social Research. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.

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